The home address is:
2206 Lelani Circle Davenport FL 33897
UPS, FedEx, and DHL have no problem delivering to this address. Packages will be left on the doorstep. US Postal service does NOT deliver to this address. We can not be responsible for missing delivery or returned packages.
If you want to avoid grocery shopping while on vacation, you can order food and supplies and have them delivered.
Food and supplies can be delivered from the following nearby stores.
- Publix – 2424 Sand Mine Rd (1 mile)
- Walmart – 550 US-27 (3.6 miles)
- Target – 3200 Rolling Oaks Blvd (6.8 miles)
Instacart also delivers from Publix, Costco, Lowe’s, Dick’s, Michael’s, Target, Walgreens, etc.
Amazon Deliveries
Because the US Postal service will not deliver to this address, Amazon Prime often fails to arrive. However, you can order and pick up via the closest Amazon Hub Locker: Grahm 17931 US Highway 192, at 7-Eleven, Clermont, FL, 34714-9601
Food Deliveries
The home address is so new that it may not appear as an option in Grub Hub, etc. You can choose Kona Lane as the delivery street and then enter the real address in the instructions with your phone number if required.
BBQ grills, Mobility Devices, and Baby Equipment Rental / Delivery
Our home has basic baby items available for your use: a pack and play, high chair, and booster seat.
Other items are available for rental from the following companies. They all deliver for free directly to the home.
Otter Equipment Rental has BBQ grills, baby items, and wheelchairs. Call 863-271-8320.
See the Lenai article for correct placement of a BBQ Grill.
Kingdom Strollers also has strollers and mobility devices available. Call 407-271-5301
Best Price Scooters and Strollers – Scootaround also has strollers and mobility devices. Call 866-866-3434.